The signals your body is relaying to you based on your eating, fitness, genetics, habits, mindset, and a bunch of other things! lol
We will refer to these markers by the acronym SHREDSS.
S- Stress. So what you feel like stresses you out like traffic, fights with your spouse/ bf/ kids, and work projects etc. And what physically stresses you out like lack of sleep, work outs, not recovering etc. If perceived stress is too high we will need to control wat we can control through stress mitigation and lowering physical stress.
H- Hunger. Being hungry in a calorie deficit or big gaps between meals is normal but feeling ravenous or starving is not so good. You also shouldn't feel no hunger at all as there may be an underlying issue or we need to check food quality.
R- Recovery. You shouldn't feel so sore you cannot move after workouts.
E- Energy. You will have high energy and low energy weeks, our goal is to have you feeling vitality and energized! You should start to see less afternoon slumps and wake up feeling awesome!
D- Digestion. Good digestion is pooping at least 1x per day, no- mild bloating maybe after eating, and poop should be mostly smooth and sausage shaped. Little to no gassiness, reflux, etc.
Refer to this poop chart if needed:
S- Sleep. Good sleep is 8 or more hours without tossing and turning or waking up constantly. You should wake up refreshed and ready to start your day.
S- Sex Drive/ Libido. We will also touch on sex drive as your libido can tell us a lot too! No sex drive is indicative of undereating, high stress and can be linked to hormonal birth control as well. Having sex/ orgasms most importantly, is a BIG stress reliever and has been shown to have many health benefits.